Monday, June 14, 2010

Deb & Tom are Engaged!

I really couldn't be more excited about this session. A friend's wedding, a beautiful location, vintage bicycles...

I love shooting in new locations and I absolutely love it when clients make their sessions personal and unique, so when Deb & Tom said they wanted their e-session at Cranbrook and they wanted to include their vintage bicycles too, you can imagine that I was pumped!

When we first got there we were slightly disappointed because everything was under construction. The museum and library were closed and even the reflecting pond was fenced off. I say slightly because being the rebels that we are we found our way in. Then as we were walking we saw other "rebels" in the garden area. Hmmm, there must have been another way in we didn't know about! :-) The grounds were absolutely gorgeous and the lighting was perfect! We were having so much fun I could have photographed them for hours!

They are getting married this September, and I'm really looking forward to their wedding. I love their style and I know that it's going to be killer.

I love how freely they laugh with each other!

Work it Deb!

Click here for a slideshow of the rest of their images!


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