Okay, is it really November already? The leaves are falling from the trees, and I'm not ready to loose all of the pretty colors. You know what's coming right around the corner right? Yeah, let's not go there...
Instead let's look at these two cutie-pies! Way better than the other direction I started to go... I met Tammy, the mother of these two adorable kids, through my BNI group. She's a super talented web designer, so if you're in the market for a new website definitely check her out! We started off at their house, where the kids were raring to go!

Meet Miss Sydney! Seriously adorable!
I love this image with Cocoa in the back ground. She's such a sweetie and was the first one to welcome me with tons of kisses!
And this handsome little fella is Jake. He had a ton of fun showing me around his room and back yard!

You could get lost in those eyes...
This fall has brought me a ton of little boys loving to climb in the colorful trees. You know I don't mind!

Sydney is such a happy little girl!
Ms. Cocoa!

Jake was getting a little bored and really just wanted to hit the playground full force, but I talked him into posing for just a few more. And I just love this one!
I love catching the smiles of little ones who've started loosing their teeth! I once did pictures for a school and had a parent want re-takes because their child was smiling and missing their teeth. They requested that the child not smile the next time. I obliged and reshot their pictures, the whole time thinking, Really? Missing teeth are a right of passage, and not to mention adorable! Everyone should have some toothless images in their albums! I know I have mine!

YEY! We finally made it to the playground!

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