Meet the Roberts Family!
Last week I had the opportunity to spend the evening with this absolutely beautiful family at the park in downtown Rochester. I've known Jessica, for hmmmm let's see. I remember the days of dancing around her bedroom singing and dancing to Sade, then as we got a little older it became the Violent Fems, making grilled cheese sandwiches with "real" cheese... We would go "moon bathing" from her roof at night. And can't forget to mention the beanie caps and late night rides to the Horn of Plenty! Really I could go on and on. But I'll save us both a little embarrassment and move on to her awesome family!

Love this series!

Corinne was very interested in all of the rocks near the stream.

While Elise, was ready to rock out some poses!

Love this shot of them all together! Look at all of those big smiles! I imagine it's pretty fun to be a part of their family!

This is definitely a top fav from the day! I loved just watching the sisters play with each other. Jessica and her sister Vanessa have always been really close. And I know how happy it would make Jessica if her daughters grew to have the same relationship that Mom has with Aunt Vanessa! (I don't think you have to worry Jess, it's there!)

But really, I don't think you have to worry about that at all! Can't you just feel the sisterly love?

Elise and Corinne taking their baby brother for a little stroll...

I don't think Corinne is quite ready to give up her status as "the baby" in the family!

Meet Lewis. This little guy is such a cutie! I'm seriously at a loss for words on how special he is and I just love his little hat!

If I had to describe my ideal client, Jessica would fit the description perfectly! I love how she brought fun little fairy outfits, bubbles, and so many other "props". She was afraid that some of them might be "cheesy", but I love the images we got! Like this one of Elise blowing "fairy bubbles"

Corinne tried so hard to blow bubbles like her big sister did. Although she was blowing a little too hard most of the time and even got a little taste of the bubbles on accident. But that didn't stop her!

Lewis just loved the bubbles and watching his big sisters!

Look at those eyes! Watch out Jessica and Chad! :-)

Jessica once told me that my pictures here on my blog looked "magical". Of course the "magic" really stems from my gorgeous clients. Add fairy wings, and a little post processing and TA-DA!

When Corinne smiles, she does it with her whole heart!

Again, Love how prepared Jessica was. This was her idea and I LOVE it!

Lewis' turn to read to his sisters...

A little Daddy-Daughter time.

I absolutely love this image. I just heart everything about it. This just speaks to me of what a family with 3 little ones is like. Lots of juggling, passing back and forth and laughter!

A little Mommy and Son time...

Rinny is quite the character all ready. And she was all about singing to me and making lots of silly faces!

Yup, another fav from the day! Who doesn't love a little baby foot? Chad gave this necklace to Jessica as a Mother's Day gift! What an absolutely cool gift!
Jessica & Chad, I had such a good time spending the evening with your family! Thank you so much for choosing me to capture you! I can't wait to see you guys again!
Way to make me cry so early in the morning Shannon. I love these pictures. Jessica has such a beautiful family and this shoot totally captures it. Well done!!!
Wow! I had no idea I had such cute kids till I looked at these pictures! Amazing! And how the hell am I supposed to pick out my favorites when they are all so good???
ok, so i am not the only one sitting here with big happy tears in my eyes. You captured Jess's family beautifully. Jess is right. Absoltutely magical images.
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