Yesterday I had the opportunity to be a vendor at the Andiamo, Warren bridal show. When Faye had called to ask me to participate, I was excited to say the least. She was referred to me by Rachel, who was the Maid of Honor in Jola & Brad's wedding. Have I mentioned how much I love referrals?
I've done a couple of bridal shows, but I think this one was my favorite. I was lucky enough to have a helper for the day. My brother and his girlfriend Priscilla are in town from Seattle and she spent the day with me helping me set up and greet all of the brides. We had such a great day and I really enjoyed the time we got to spend together!
I tried my best to keep my schedule clear while my family is in town visiting. A "staycation" of sorts for me. Of course, there is still work that needs to be done... One of my favorite things about this show, besides meeting all of the happy brides was that I finally had the opportunity to meet Kim with Shutterbooth! Ever since first learning about these traveling photo booths, I've been dying to check them out. People, this is the coolest thing ever! I seriously think that every couple should have one of these at their reception! And I wish that these would have been around when I got married!
What makes them sooo cool (besides the obvious) is that 2 copies are printed of each visit to the booth. One for the people in the booth and the bride and groom also get a copy of them! And if you'd like they'll assemble a scrapbook right on site that will be ready to take home at the end of the night! AWESOME!
To all of my brides reading this, you absolutely NEED to check them out! And also know that if you have this at your reception, count on me jumping in on the fun! Here's Priscilla and me totally rockin the Shutterbooth at the show yesterday!

I soooo wanted one of those at our reception, but it didn't fit the buget! Maybe next time.....ha just kidding! They are so cool though and fun!
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