Hot Mama!
I can't believe my little sister is going to be a mamma! As kids growing up we didn't really have a lot in common. The fact that she'd rather be out catching field mice and snakes and the almost 5 year age difference left us pretty much on opposite ends of the sister spectrum. Still she must have thought that I was pretty cool and stylish. She was always sneaking into my closet after I had gone to school to steal my clothes and perfume. Since we were in different schools and didn't see each other all day she thought she could get away with it. At the end of the day my silk shirts were back hanging with that day's hot lunch on them and my Sunflowers perfume was quickly deminishing.
Of course this is something that we laugh about now. A few years ago Melissa fessed up and told me she used to think this doll that I had on my bed would tell on her. She also told me that she used to turn the doll over so it couldn't see her in action. Um, hello little sister! How did you think I always knew when you were in my room? :-)
I'm sure she probably hates that I've shared this story here. Only because it's one that's told over and over again. The age gap between us is non-existent and we are as close as sister's can be. Although she doesn't live close enough to steal my clothes anymore, she's still the same animal loving soul that she always has been. Only now the field mice have turned into pet rats and gerbils, the snakes and reptiles have turned into Hercules, her African Spur Tortoise. She's also mother to 2 beautiful dogs, a ferret, and a hedgehog. I call it the Zimmerman Zoo!
The reason I wanted to tell this story here is because that little girl who used to spend her days wrecking havoc in my bedroom and mothering all found animals nursing them back to health, will soon be mothering her own little one. While I was in town visiting for Melissa's baby shower, we snuck in a little Maternity session for her. She's not the biggest fan of having her picture taken, but she was okay with me posting a few. This is such a special time for you Melissa, and these are pictures you will have to treasure forever! I miss you already and I can't wait to meet my new niece or nephew!

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