Friday, June 19, 2009

Meet Brady

Rainy days really affect me. Sometimes I'm pumped and totally enjoying them and others like to today I'm a little slower moving and have a hard time finding motivation. Enter Brady, I found motivation looking at this little cutie! Brady's mom Jaime and I have been friends as long as I can remember. Looking through some old pictures the other day I ran across some of our Little League. We were oh so cute then! Big old glasses any everything! hahaha Hey man, that was the style right Jaime?

Jaime is very dear to me and although we don't get to see each other as often as we both would like, when we get together you'd never know any time has passed! It's an awesome trait our "tribe" shares. I'm soo looking forward to camping with whole tribe next weekend! It's going to be so much fun to hang with all of you and your families! Watch out!

On to Mr. Brady...

Seriously a happy kid!

Two year olds are challenging to capture. They are all go, go, go. No time to stop, must run and play! We were on our way to the backyard to play and Brady decided to show mom how he can do this!

I'm imagining he's thinking here...What? Stop running? Are you kidding? Come chase me if you want pictures!

He has his own mailbox and log cabin in the yard, which he loves. Notice the address?

Then we headed to the Toddler Park for a little play time. What I think is great about photographing children is they will let you know when they're done. As he was swinging and I was taking pictures he kept saying no, no, no and wanted off of the swing. But when I sat on the swing next to him and put the camera down, he was content for quite a while as Jaime and I chatted.

And here's Angus! He's feeling a little left out these days with Brady getting all of the attention, but doesn't seem to mind a bit. He's such a good dog! And how stinkin beautiful is he?


Lesley June 19, 2009  

I can't believe Brady is two already. Seems like yesterday I was sitting on Jaime's couch with her belly swelling due at any getting all weepy telling her how awesome being a mom is. Getting weepy now just looking at her beautiful boy. He is such a ham! You captured him beautifully!

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