Friday, March 27, 2009

Lilly Turns 3!

A few weeks ago this adorable little girl turned 3 years old. She's my cousin's little girl and is so very shy. She'll warm up to you, but in first few minutes she actually covers her eyes almost like if she does that she's invisible. It's so cute! I think she gets this from my cousin Jesse. We are always laughing at how shy he was when we were kids growing up. It's funny the things that are hereditary.

After the party festivities we snuck in a few pics to send to my mom in Florida. I just love her little pink dress!

What a beauty!

A couple quick shots of the family

Love her winky face!

She was so excited to get her tutu on she was dancing all around the living room!

And boy did she love her new bike!

They're awesome kitty!


Lesley April 16, 2009  

All of these pictures are great...BUT that first one is killer! Absolutley Adorable!!

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