First Wedding
Last weekend was a crazy busy weekend filled with all kinds of fun shooting! I did my first wedding as a 2nd shooter on Friday night. I have been to my fare share of weddings and know the ins and outs from the perspective of the wedding party and as a guest, but this time I got to see it from the photographer’s viewpoint. What an amazing time! I learned so much that I’m still taking it all in. Kevin from Murawski Studios gave me the opportunity to work with him and see what shooting a wedding truly involves. I have to admit, I still love it. It’s not as glamorous as you might think, making sure to keep to a tight schedule and trying to stay out of the videographers way, but just being able to be a part of the bride and groom’s day to capture the love that they have at the very beginning of their story is amazing.
It really was an awesome learning experience, and I’m looking forward to doing the next one with him. I didn’t get a whole lot of shots, I tried to take in as much as I could. But here’s a few of my favorites from the day...

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