Attempt to Capture the Spirit
I love the holidays. I love the music and the lights. I love shopping with girlfriends and all of the festive celebrations. I love eggnog and cookies. I love being ready for the holidays and being able to relax and enjoy them with friends and family. And this year I've been able to do just that. I've made my lists, checked them twice and look out, Scott's even been nice!
Typically he's sort of a Grinch. He never has much Christmas spirit, but this year he must have mustered some up because he's helped with the cards, hauled everything down from the rafters, took me to pick out a tree and even fixed my outside lights when the wind storm knocked them crooked! All while trying not to complain too much. Yes honey, I've noticed. Maybe it's because I all but choked him at the beginning of the season, warning him not to ruin this holiday for me. But really it's because he loves me. although I'm pretty sure the threat helped out a little bit :-)

Feeling all full of the Christmas spirit today and needing to get out of the house and knowing Scott would rather not drive around and sing carols, I grabbed one of my Christmas CDs, loaded Coby up in the car and headed out to see if I couldn't capture any fun Christmas lights. So here I am singing along with The Pussycat Dolls' rendition of Santa Baby, driving along down Jefferson taking in all of the beautifully decorated homes.
Some of them were way overboard and I can't even begin to imaging the electric bills. I would have stopped for a couple of shots, but realized I was running a little low on gas and had better stop. I figured I would stop on the way back. But that's when I realized that I must have left my wallet at home!
At this point Coby's all whiney in the back seat because he just wants to get out and sniff until his nose turns raw, I'm hungry and was really looking forward to a coffee, but no wallet = no gas, no food, and definitely no coffee. I quickly turned around to try to make it home in time, and thankfully I did. Needless to say, my trip was cut a little short and by the time I got home I was about running on fumes! If there was a "walk" reading on my meter, that's what it would have been on. So I didn't get to spend as much time out shooting as I would have liked to. But it's early yet and just maybe I will be able to sweet talk the Grinch into going out with me one evening...
This was taken at the Gross Pointe War Memorial, my first stop before realizing there would be no gas.
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