Another reason why I love the holidays!
Getting cards like this in the mail!
I love seeing what my clients create with their images. Most of the time I do not get to see the framed prints on the wall or the greeting cards that are being sent. But when a client shares these with my, it makes my heart happy. (And if you send me a picture of your framed images, I may just feature them here.)
I have to tell you, I'm like a little kid on Christmas morning with each card I open knowing that they used my images to share their holiday wishes. Scott just laughs as I rip open the envelope to see the present inside. To any of my clients reading this, please do not feel like you have to include my on your Holiday list. But a big Thank You to all of my clients that loved their images enough to send them on their holiday cards!
I had planned on offering custom designed Holiday Cards this year, but unfortunately it was one of the things on my mile long to-do list that I never got around to doing. It's something that I will definitely be offering in the future, so stay tuned.

I had planned on offering custom designed Holiday Cards this year, but unfortunately it was one of the things on my mile long to-do list that I never got around to doing. It's something that I will definitely be offering in the future, so stay tuned.
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