Monday, September 21, 2009

OP Love Session with Chase

I'd like for you to meet this little cutie Mr. Chase! Chase's mom Kelly contacted me the day before she was being induced to set up our session. This was the youngest subject I had the pleasure of working with. Chase was 1 week old exactly when I shot his session. So cute!

Chase's father hasn't had the opportunity to meet his son yet as he is currently stationed over seas. He's seen pictures through e-mail, but I know he's looking forward to meeting him for the first time when he comes home in November. And I hope that they take advantage of the "Homecoming sessions" we also offer. How awesome would it be, to be there to capture the moment Andre meets his son for the first time!

This is what I love about being part of such an awesome organization. While Chase's father hasn't been able to meet his son yet, he will have an album of images to keep with him while he's stationed away. I know that this has been hard for Kelly, having her husband away and not able to be there for the birth of their first son. They actually live in San Diego, but she chose to have the baby here in Michigan where her parents are. And Andre's parents live in Texas, so I know they can't wait to meet their grandson either. I'm honored to be able to provide this wonderful family with images of their new addition.

Here's a few of my favorites from the day...

Chase was such a good sport letting me pose him for pictures for daddy.

Chase even woke up for a bit so daddy could see his gorgeous eyes!

Kelly, thank you so much for being a part of OP Love. It was an honor to be able be able to give back to you and your family after all you are giving up for us. Thank you Andre, for all that you do.

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