Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Meet the Kittelson Family!

I was so excited when my cousin Jesse's wife Laura asked me to take their family portraits! Lillian is one of the cutest little girls! I could seriously just eat her up! She's so animated and loves making winky faces! It was a little challenging with the wind and the fact that's she's your typical toddler. Constantly on the move and always looking around taking everything in. But we were able to "bribe" her with a promise to play at the playscape as long as we got the pictures done. Lilly was more than happy to oblige.

This was one of my favorite sessions to edit. Lilly had me cracking up the entire time! Coby kept looking up at me with confusion each time I'd bust out laughing. Too bad dog's just don't get it. :-)

On to some family cuteness!!!

Just look at her gorgeous little eyes...

Always take time to stop and smell the roses...

Look at the smile on Lilly's face! She thought it was the funnest (sure, it's a word) thing to sit on the ground like that with Mom and Dad!

See what I mean? Seriously funny and stinkin cute too!

My top favorite from the day!

I take that back, this one could be my top fave!

The gorgeous Kittelson family!

Okay, so may favorites to choose from!

Laura and Jesse thank you so much for having me capture your family! I hope you enjoy the pictures!


Lesley September 03, 2009  

I can see why it would be so hard to pick a fav. That little girl is adorable!! My fav is easy though...LOVE the last one!!!!

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