As a kid my mom used to call me "Elephant Ears" because I was always hanging around and listening in when she was talking with someone. You know, those adult conversations and just when it's about to get good, they've spied you? Okay, so maybe I was a little bit. She'd always notice when I was lingering a little too long pretending to look for something eat or she'd spot me peaking around the corner because they had lowered their voices. I just wanted to know what was going on....
See, even as and little girl I wanted to be in on things. Only now, I refer to it as being in "the loop" and I don't eavesdrop quite as much. I'm sorry internet, but there's sometimes when I just can't help myself. Like when you're out and over hear something the people nearby say. If it's good, you'll pretend to be looking at something just to listen a little bit longer? Right? I can't be the only one who does this... The fact of the matter is, I love being in "the loop". There's just something I love about knowing what's going on with the people around me. And it makes me feel like I'm a part of something.
So when Jola told me that I might be getting a phone call soon from her bff and bridesmaid Jessica because Josh was going to propose soon, I was excited not only because I adored Jessica and the opportunity to document her wedding would be nothing short of amazing, but because I was in "the loop"!
Jessica and Josh are getting married this October and I know that it's going to go down as one of my favorites! They are such a fun couple with great taste, (and a killer venue) and they really know how to have fun together. From going to Tiger's Games, working out, and camping together to going out to eat, shopping for things to eat, and making things to eat - not sure where either of them put all this food they talk about, they must live at the gym!
When I asked them to tell me some of their favorite things to do together, they said (simultaneously) that going to Tiger's Games was definitely number one. So it was very fitting that we started off their engagement session at Comerica Park.

After a quick outfit change we went to Campus Martius where Jessica rocked out this fantastic dress. Absolutely stunning girl! 

The Compuware building has this fantastic waterfall and I'm so glad we popped in there! This is definitely a top favorite image from our session.

A random chair in Detroit always makes for an interesting shot...
Oh yeah, I mentioned that they liked to eat right? So afterwards we hit up American Coney Island for Jessica's favorite. A coney and a beer.
Jessica and Josh, thank you for the fantastic time downtown! I had so much fun with you guys and seriously cannot wait for your wedding!
To see the rest of the images from our session, click here for a slideshow.
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