Meet the Ohlman Kids!
I'm sitting up at Panera trying to get some work done. We had some big storms roll through yesterday evening, but our power went out hours before that. DTE gave an estimate of Sunday night, but I'm keeping my finders crossed that it's back up earlier, otherwise Panera might start charging me rent! This turns out to be pretty inconvenient as you can imagine. Most of my work depends on being connected. Without power, there's no editing, blogging, album designs, e-mail, nothing! And then my cell phone battery died. Scott always teases me about going without the computer, internet and cell phone and I always say that I can do it. But I gotta tell ya, yesterday was hard! I had just finished cleaning the house and powered down the computer to get ready for a client meeting when the power went out. I had so much work to do, and I felt completely helpless. I'm already backlogged and this was not helping. But what can you do? If you are a client reading this, waiting patiently for your images please know that I'm doing everything in my power to get them to you as fast as I can!
Enough of my ranting, let's talk about these cuties!
As I've said before, sessions like these always make me nervous. I met Jill in my "previous life" in the auto industry. She was my project manager when I worked for Penske Logistics. We worked on so many projects together and was one of my favorite people to work with! I get nervous because, well you have to admit going from a Logistics Engineer to Photographer is quite a big jump and I always wonder what they think of me. Crazy? Maybe. But I can't help myself.
To view the rest of the images from our session, click here for a slideshow!
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