Yummy Coffee!
If you're a coffee lover you absolutely must check out Chazzano Coffee in Ferndale! It's so seriously delicious! Frank is in my BNI group and recently opened his shop at 1737 E. 9 Mile Rd. You have to check it out!
Did you know that there are 750 different flavor profiles in wine? Then you'll never guess that there's double that in coffee at 1500! Frank truly is the sommelier of coffee and was even recently featured on Fox2 news! Check him out here.
I snapped some images on a recent visit to his store. And for my clients reading this, Frank so kindly lets me use his store to meet with clients and since I'm always down for a cup of Frank's Ethiopia Harrar, I would love to meet you there!

All of Frank's coffee is freshly roasted every day right in his store and the smell just blows you away when you walk through the doors.

One thing you'll never see at Chazzano is a regular coffee pot. Every cup of coffee ordered is brewed to order using a french press or a vacuum syphon. Seriously fresh! Oh and did I mention delicious?

This is Chazzano's newest ad for Travel Host magazine and I'm proud to say that Night Cry Graphics decided to use my image for it!
All of Frank's coffee is freshly roasted every day right in his store and the smell just blows you away when you walk through the doors.
This is Chazzano's newest ad for Travel Host magazine and I'm proud to say that Night Cry Graphics decided to use my image for it!
***Updated to say that the ad is being used for the Ferndale Friends, and not Travel Host. Travel Host magazine will have this ad in full color in a couple of weeks! Holla!
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