Scott and I wrapped up our vacation spending time at Lake Sanford with his family. We never get to spend as much time with them as I would like and this little visit definitely wasn't enough to hang with these super cute and way cool kids! But I'll take what I can get! Meet my super fabulous nieces and nephew!

My niece Lauren... Her and I both share a passion for reading. Since her little fingers were able to hold one, she's always had a book in her hands. Now she travels with a suitcase full of them! I girl after my own heart - just like her Aunt Shannon who had 7 books and fistfuls of magazines with me!
Lauren asked to have her own photoshoot! It's funny because for as long as I can remember she never would let me take her pictures, and now she had all of these great ideas, walking me around the yard saying "Let's do this"!
Of course you know Coby had to get in on the action. He loves playing with kids! He learned as a very young pup that kids are his friends, they'll always drop crumbs for the grabbing and walk him and play with him... Yeah, he loves the kids! 
My darnling, soulful Abbey...

And just like your typical two year old, she is all over the place! She really wanted nothing more than to swim in the lake, and run and stick her tongue out at me. I love that I was able to capture this series!

I love this shot! It captures the moment perfectly!

Ny ninja nephew Evan!
This series just screams summer to me! Getting ready to head out on the boat to do some tubing...
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