Hi my name is Shannon...
and I have a camera addiction! I have always loved cameras, and now these days it seems like I collect them. And keep wanting to add to my collection! More recently I've been lusting after the new Canon Powershot. Now keep in mind, I have 9 cameras! Of course, all of them aren't exactly usable. I do have an old Brownie that sits on my shelf looking pretty. And a few more that I've inherited or had from the days of film that I can't bring myself to part with. My professional cameras and 2 point and shoots.
When I first heard of this little guy, I was all like this is perfect! I'll have snapshots again! And pictures by the pool! And ya know if we ever went Mountain Climbing, I would bring this too! (Of course, that's not something we've ever done, but if we wanted to, I could capture it!) Don't get me wrong, I have great portraits of all of my friends and family, but as you may guess not many of me. Not many of the fun, party stuff we do. I'd be so disappointed if I dropped it or spilled something on it and most everyone shies away when I hand them my camera and ask to take a picture. Then because I have it customized, they are rarely in focus.
And then one day I remembered my trusty ole Kodak. It's been a while, okay well over a year, since I've picked it up but then remembered the beautiful pictures I took with it. I completely forgot about the manual controls! Although the powershot is waterproof, it doesn't have the ability to shoot in manual mode which I wondered if I'd be able to live without - thanks for showing me the light Kevin! :-)
And so I decided not to scratch the camera itch and return to the camera that opened my eyes to the world of photography. And as you can see, it doesn't do too bad a job! But if you're in the market for a new point & shoot I'd definitely check out the Powershot D10.

Scott & I at Comerica Park. Go Tigers!
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