Well, it's been a week now and all that seems to be left of this nasty head cold I had is a lingering cough. Although Scott's been on the couch for the last 4 days. He seems to be going in the exact pattern that I did. One thing that I have been experiencing is sleeplessness. This is something completely new to me. Usually I am the type of person who falls asleep the instant my head hits the pillow, sleeping soundly (aka like a rock) until my internal alarm goes off. It has not been the case lately. Twice this week I've found myself staring at the clock wondering when and if sleep will come. And eventually it did, in the wee hours of the morning. At least last night I was able to get caught up on some personal pictures!
We wrung in the New Year with some awesome people at my dear friends Lesley & Dean's house. They throw a killer New Year's party and we were stoked to be able to make it this year!
I'm looking forward to a fresh start in 2009! There's so many exciting things going on with my business, I can't help but feel that this year is going to be the best one in a long time! I know it's a little late, but here's some pictures!
Brian rockin in the New Year!

My good friend Tracy & I.

Girlie's L-O-V-E champagne! Isn't she gorgeous?

This picture cracks me up! There's just so much fun stuff happening it was hard to get the usual group shot with all of us looking in the same direction at once!

I just love the feeling to this image.

A kiss from my delicious husband to start of the year right! Yum!

Ahhh, the dancing table was resurected!

Isn't technology grand? As I looked around the room when the clock struck 12:00, everyone had their phones out texting away.

The awesome Dean & Lesley Durik!

Of course the "big boys" loved playing with the race track!

That was the most FUN i have had in a long long time! Thanks for ringing in the New Year with us :-)
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