Our Superbowl Sunday was pretty low key. Scott's still not feeling 100% so we decided to chill at home. I made a pot of chili that simmered all day and headed outside with my camera. It seems like it's been forever since I've picked it up and I didn't realize how much I missed seeing everything through the lens. Since it was so nice out I decided to walk up to the store to pick up the Superbowl essentials. That little walk has left me feeling refreshed, I think it's just what the doctor ordered!

My kitty Bo snuggled all up in bed.
I can just picture him thinking, "Really? Waking me up with that thing again?"

Resting up for the big game!

This is probably my favorite image of the day! Way over exposed, but I just love it!
Coby absolutely loves this weather. He will stay outside for hours in it, sometimes I have to make him come in for fear of him freezing! I know he's a husky and all, but it's been getting pretty cold and he's not exactly used to it being a "pampered pooch" as my vet calls him.
Only 48 more days until Spring!
Doesn't it look like they're ready for spring too?
My neighbor April's yard is so magical!
There's this little old lady that lives in our neighborhood who has the most "decorative" yard. (I'd call it gaudy). But it's her thing and she does keep it up nicely with all of her little ornaments. I think she has quite a sense of humor too. Some kids threw a bowling ball into her yard a few years ago and she had nailed a sign up on a tree thanking them for the new gazing ball which she still proudly displays!

Our local party store. The owner Louis and his brother Mike are some of the nicest guys!
This house reminds me a little cottage hidden in the woods up north.
You can see how this economy is affecting everyone, everywhere. I couldn't believe it when I saw this house up for auction in our neighborhood.
Another peak into the little old lady's yard.

Another fav from the day!

Meet my neighbor Maryanne. We've lived here for nearly 8 years and I haven't had the opportunity to meet her before. She's lived here since 1979, I can only imagine the changes she's seen. (She is not the owner of the lawn ornaments...)
So there you have it, a little peak into our neighborhood!